"DRIVING IDAHO!" District MeetingsEach fall, the IADA staff and President, traverse the highways and back roads of Idaho to bring our office to you. Because of the wild geography of our state, we host dinner meetings in one of five locations for our dealers. Often we'll invite area legislators as well. This gives us an opportunity to hear what is important to our members and also review an share our agenda for the upcoming year. District Meeting LocationsDistrict 1: Coeur d'Alene District 2: Lewiston District 3: Boise District 4: Twin Falls District 5: Alternates between Idaho Falls (2017) & Pocatello (2018) The IADA and our event sponsor(s) invite all dealership members to these important meetings. We provide hosted dinner and beverages, a chance to meet and/or reacquaint yourself with other dealers, and a good opportunity to find out what the IADA is doing, what we're about, and what the lively topics are for the upcoming year and legislative session. Please plan on making this one of your "must do" events each year! |